TEQIP was conceived in pursuance of the National Policy on Education 1986 (Revised in 1992) with a Goal to scale-up and improve quality of technical education and enhance existing capacities of the institutions to become dynamic, demand driven, quality conscious, efficient and forward looking, responsive to rapid economic and technological developments occurring both at national and international levels.
Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme of Government of India (TEQIP) is being implemented as a World Bank assisted Project to improve the quality of technical education system in the country.The broad objectives of the programme are as follows:-

   o  To create an environment in which Engineering Institutions selected under the programme can achieve their own set of targets for excellence and sustain the same with autonomy and accountability. 

   o  To support development plans including synergistic Networking and Services to Community and economy of competitvely  selected institutions for achieving higher standards. 

   o  To improve efficiency and effectiveness of the technical education management system in the States and institutions  selected under the Programme. 

TEQIP (Phase-I) was implemented in 13 States and covered 127 Institutions including 18 Centrally Funded Institutions and 19 Polytechnics. It became effective in March 2003 and completed on 31st March, 2009. 

Building upon the satisfactory completion of the first phase of TEQIP, its second phase (TEQIP-II) has been initiated.Around 200 engineering institutions are planned to be competitively selected to improve quality of Technical Education through institutional and systemic reforms.The second phase boosts efforts to prepare more post-graduate students to reduce the shortage of qualified faculty, and to produce more R&D in collaboration with industry.


   o   Strengthening Institutions to produce high quality Engineers for better employability, 

   o   Scaling-up Postgraduate Education and demand-driven Research & Development and Innovation,

   o   Establishing Centers of Excellence for focused applicable research,

   o   Training of Faculty for effective Teaching, and

   o   Enhancing Institutional and System Management effectiveness.


   o   The Project will be implemented in pursuance of the National Policy on Education (NPE-1986 revised in 1992) through the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) of the Government of India as a "Centrally Sponsored Scheme"  with matching contribution from the State Governments and Union Territories. The Project cost in the Govt. and Govt. aided institutions for all sub-components will be shared between the MHRD and State Governments in the ratio of 75:25 by all States except the Special Category States for which the ratio will be 90:10. For Centrally Funded Institutions, 100% of institutional project costs will be borne by the MHRD.

   o   Funding for private unaided institutions in all States selected under Sub-component 
1.1 for improving competencies of UG students, will be in the ratio of 60:20:20 i.e. 60% funding as Grant from MHRD, 20% funding as Grant from State and  20% funding from institutions whereas funding for private unaided institutions in all States selected under sub-component         
1.2 for Scaling-up Postgraduate Education and demand-driven Research & Development and Innovation will be in the ratio  of 75:25 i.e. 75% funding as Grant from MHRD and 25% funding as Grant from States. 

   o   A set of Eligibility Criteria for States has been enforced to achieve a high and sustained impact of the Project. The criteria seeks to give the project institutions adequate decision making powers that will enable and encourage them to  deliver quality education and undertake research in an efficient manner. The project recommends incentivizing improvements in Engineering Education.

   o   The Project requires the project institutions to implement academic and non-academic reforms for their self-conceived development programmes that focus on quality and relevance, excellence, resource mobilization, greater institutional autonomy with accountability, research and equity.

   o   The Project will provide specific funds for imparting Pedagogical Training to faculty for making teaching effective and will cover maximum faculty members from the project institutions. The benefit of this aspect of the Project will also be  extended to faculty from non-project institutions.

   o   Professional development programmes for engineering-education policy planners, administrators and implementers at the Central, State and Institutional levels will be organized. The Project will also support development of an effective governance model.

   o  The Project lays major emphasis on monitoring and evaluation. The prime responsibility of monitoring will lie with the institutions themselves. The management structure at the Institutional level i.e. the Board of Governors (BoG) will monitor the progress of Institutional projects on a regular basis and provide guidance for improving the performance of institutions in project implementation. The information from project institutions will be collected through a scalable web-based Management Information System (MIS). State Governments will also regularly monitor and evaluate the progress of institutions. 
   o  The Government of India and the World Bank will conduct bi-annual Joint Reviews of the Project with assistance from the National Project Implementation Unit (NPIU). The monitoring will be based on action plans prepared by each project institution and achievements made on a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) defined in the Institutional Development Proposals. The monitoring will focus on implementation of reforms by institutions, achievements in project activities under different Sub-components, procurement of resources and services, utilization of financial allocations and achievements in faculty and staff development and management development activities.

   o  Establishing Centres of Excellence with potential of world-class research in emerging areas is one of the important aspects of the Project.


The Project is composed of the following Components and Sub-components:

Component - 1 : Improving Quality of Education in Selected Institutions

This Component aims to strengthen around 200 competitively selected Engineering Education Institutions to improve learning outcomes and employability and scale-up Postgraduate education, research & development and innovation and establishing Centres of Excellence. The faculty of these institutions will also be offered pedagogical training for effective teaching through the following sub-components:

   o  Sub-Component 1.1        :   Strengthening institutions to improve learning outcomes and employability of graduates

  o Sub-Component 1.2          :   Scaling-up Postgraduate Education and Demand-Driven Research & Development and Innovation 

   o   Sub-Component 1.2.1    :   Establishing Centres of Excellence

   o   Sub-Component 1.3       :   Faculty Development for Effective Teaching (Pedagogical Training)

Component - 2 : Improving System Management:

This Component aims to build capacity of Technical Education Policy Planners, Administrators and Implementers at the Central, State, and Institutional levels to effectively implement the institutional reforms and to introduce and sustain innovative systemic quality improvement practices.

It also aims to provide timely, sufficient, precise, and reliable information to improve and assess the performance of the selected institutions by effective Project Management through the following sub-components:

   o   Sub-Component 2.1       :   Capacity Building to Strengthen Management

   o   Sub-Component 2.2       :   Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation 


A : Improving Quality of Education in Participating Institutions

1. Strengthening Participating Institutions with a view to improve learning outcomes and employability of graduates, and scale-up post-graduate education, demand-driven research and development and innovation, through:

        (a)   faculty and staff development;
        (b)   enhancing interaction with the industrial sectors;
        (c)   improving institutional governance, and management and administrative practices that are conducive to academic autonomy;
        (d)   implementing relevant institutional reforms;
        (e)   improving teaching, training and learning facilities;
        (f)    providing academic support to weak students;
        (g)   increasing enrolment in post-graduate programmes, and enhancing research and consultancy activities;
        (h)   modernizing libraries and other means to access knowledge resources;
        (i)    enhancing research and development;
        (j)    developing research interest among under-graduate and post-graduate students;
        (k)   sharing resources through collaborative arrangements;
        (l)    modernizing and expanding laboratories; and
        (m)  establishing inter-disciplinary centers of excellence that conduct applicable thematic research and development in collaboration with industry and other knowledge users, converting research results into applicable technologies and  projects, and enhancing collaborative activities with national and international institutions.

2.  Faculty development for effective teaching through the provision of pedagogical training to faculty.

B : Improving Education System Management

1.  Strengthening the education sector's capacity through:

        (a)   the establishment of quality assurance practices and the promotion of effective governance in Participating States; 
        (b)   the establishment of a Task Force responsible for strategic planning of technical education in Participating States;
        (c)   the establishment of curriculum development cells and the enhancement of management practices in universities affiliating the Project institutions;
        (d)   the sharing of best practices with non-Participating Institutions; and
        (e)   organizing professional development programmes for policy planners and administrators.

2.  Improving the education system management, monitoring and evaluation capacity of Participating States and Participating Institutions through:

        (a)   the establishment and operation of Project management units at the National and State levels; 
        (b)   the establishment of an education management information system; 
        (c)   carrying out stakeholder satisfaction surveys, performance and fiduciary audits, and impact assessment studies, and 
        (d)   carrying out implementation and impact reviews.