Latest News

8th National Conference & Exhibition (NCEEITET) is on 1-2 December,2022. The Flyer of the Conference has been released.

Induction Programme for the new entrants (Batch-2022) shall start from 14.11.2022 from 9.30 A.M. onwards.

HOD's List

MOBILE No. / Email
Dr. Sameru Sharma
E&C Engineering
9419724322 / [email protected]
Dr. Bhopinder Singh
Applied Sciences
9419198912 / [email protected]
Dr. Simmi Dutta
Computer Engineering
9419131816 / [email protected]
Dr. S.K. Gupta
Civil Engineering
9419132080 / [email protected]
Er. Sanjeev Gupta
Mechanical Engineering
Er. Rajiv Kumar Bali
Electrical Engineering
9419261818 / [email protected]

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